Long Term Care

تجمع علاجاتنا المخصصة للرعاية طويلة الأجل بين مجموعة متنوعة من الخدمات الأساسية التي تساعد في تلبية الاحتياجات الطبية للمرضى الذين يعانون أو لا يزالون يعانون من أمراض مزمنة أو إعاقات أو غير قادرين على الاعتناء بأنفسهم لفترات طويلة.

What we offer in Reem Hospital is an innovated care model delivered by a team of skilled nurses and physicians who are available to serve both temporary and ongoing long-term patients. Ranging from the simple to the severe, we provide a range of medical care services that includes bedside nursing, ventilators, cardiac monitoring, respiratory care, wound care and more.

As we care about the comfort of our patients and their families, we ensure to provide all essentials throughout the day to give you an experience that meets our community-based facility aims and values. Our clinical practices are based on international standards and are in a continuous development through research. Our main approach at Reem Hospital is to provide quality care that you deserve while maintaining the principles.


Helping You Lead Comfortable Lives


For Adults

Our long-term care program combines several full rehabilitation and education plan services designed to improve quality of life.


For Kids

Our pediatric long-term care program includes several therapeutic services that will aid your child in regaining their quality of life.


Ventilator Support

With success rates exceeding expectations, our ventilator support program is one of the most effective known.

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