Enjoy our range of comprehensive health packages for women and men of all ages designed to provide you the ultimate health information and benefits you need
Avoid heart risks with our Cardiac Checkup that combines cardiac evaluation tests in addition to routine health checkups to keep your heart healthy and help you understand your risk factors.
Look after your health through our quick and seamless medical evaluation designed to address your medical needs within a few hours rather than a full day.
Don't neglect your child's health and have your little one's wellbeing evaluated through this checkup featuring pediatrics and pediatric neurology expert consultations.
The Bronze Health Checkup combines a detailed assessment and counseling on health, through highly experienced physicians who will provide high-level health analysis covering diabetes, heart health, and other.
As good health is the foundation for a happier life, the Silver Health Checkup was formulated with that in mind to provide you with a full screening of any health complications you might have regardless of your age.
Our medical team has formulated the Gold Health Checkup that is tailor-costed to suit your requirements and to test you on all possible parameters to provide you with a very detailed assessment of all your body systems.
As part of a comprehensive Platinum Health Checkup, we will perform blood tests and vital signs in addition to a general consultation and physical examination to provide you with a thorough assessment of your health.
Our Elite Checkup for Men can help identify health problems before they start, as it's designed to check your health markers and provide you with a complete health scan to stay up to date on your wellness.
As prevention is key to your health and wellbeing, you will be able to have a full comprehensive screening through our Elite Women Checkup looking at all aspects of your health in an all-inclusive screening package.
Our 40+ Checkup for Men can help identify health problems before they start, as it's designed to check your health markers and provide you with a complete health scan to stay up to date on your wellness.
Take the first step forward and detect early symptoms of disease with our Premier Executive Health Checkup that will assess your health and evaluate it through a head-to-toe evaluation.
As prevention is key to your health and wellbeing, you will be able to have a full comprehensive screening through our 40+ Women Health Screening Package.